Altar Servers – Our services are blessed with the involvement of many who assist as servers, under the gentle hand of Subdeacon Chuck Ringa.
Bookstore – Our bookstore, adjacent to the Chapel, contains a large selection of books, icons, cards and other religious items for sale. There is also a Library where one can borrow books and tapes. The Bookstore and Library are open immediately following all services and by appointment. Please reach out to Book Store Manager – VivianLea (Brigid) Solek.
Choir – Our choir participates in all services. We welcome new voices. Music is selected from various liturgical backgrounds, under the dedicated choir master, Peter Kopcha.
Education – Our parish education programs provide opportunities for our community, from youth through adults, to deepen our knowledge and understanding of our life as Christians. We do this through our study of Scripture and our life in the Church. The curriculum is based on a six-year rotating cycle. Each Sunday, different age groups of children, “Live Wires” meet. Our teens meet with Fr. Sergius. Adult education includes classes for catechumens, Men’s and women’s study and additional classes open to all. Guest speakers are invited throughout the year.
Fellowship – Coffee Hour, immediately following Sunday Liturgies, has become a time of true fellowship for all members of the parish as well as guests who regularly join us. Evening Vesperal Liturgies are always followed by a “pot-luck” supper.
Ministries to the Needy – We reach out to the less fortunate on an ongoing basis through the Agape Canister Program, the Martha Fund, and the Woodbury Food Bank. Special collections are taken for other worthy causes as the need arises.
Outreach and Evangelization – The church is committed to working within the community to provide outreach services and to consistently bear witness to the teachings of the Orthodox Faith.
Readers – Adults and teens are actively involved as readers on a rotating basis.